2025 Delmont Borough Trash and Recycling Calendar
Get alerts for delayed trash pickups by registering your phone number with your account by following these instructions.
Curious about trash pickup and recycling in Delmont?
Download the Delmont Recycling & Waste Guidelines to learn about details, schedule, and pricing. Please call 724-887-9400 to order added services or for questions.
- Waste collected weekly on Fridays
- Recycling every other week (same day as waste collection)
- Leaf collection on 5 Saturdays per year. During non–leaf collection weeks, include leaf waste in the regular waste collection or wait for next leaf collection
- Each Friday, place your waste container at the curb no later than 6:00 a.m.
- Late set out of containers will be noted and may not be picked up.
- Acceptable Recyclable Items:
- Clean paper, cardboard (OCC) and newsprint
- Rigid plastic food and beverage containers (#1 and #2 only)
- Steel, aluminum and bi-metal food and beverage containers
- Gable-top milk, gravy and soup cartons
- All items should be rinsed and free of contaminants
- For information on E-Waste and Household Hazardous Waste click here .
- Additional recycling containers available $20.00 each.
- $21.87 per month billed quarterly. Includes weekly household waste and two bulky items per month.
- Seniors, 62 years and older, $19.73 per month billed quarterly.
- Includes weekly household waste and two bulky items per month.
- Waste sticker program entitles residents to pay by the bag. You may obtain stickers from the
Borough office for a fee of $17.50 per sleeve of 5 (tags) and attach to bag prior to collection. Sticker program includes at no additional cost one bulk collection per month and unlimited recycling. - Residents will be billed quarterly, for the current three months.
For more recycling resources in the area, please visit the Westmoreland Cleanways and Recycling website.